Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Project Manager In Commercial Negotiation †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Project Manager In Commercial Negotiation? Answer: Introducation The development of disparity due to breach of contract within the context of an organization has been discussed over here. The disputes may be attributed to various crucial internal factors such as mutual agreement to decision making and effectively implementing policies within the organization. The breach of the company ethics and policies may result in the emergence of arbitrations and disputed claims. The claims could be again divided into two major types such as contractual claims and extra contractual claim. The contractual claim covers the rules and policies mentioned within a contract which binds both the producer and manufacturer of the services as well as the consumers. As mentioned by Walker (2015), any breach in such policies can result in legal obligations binding on the part of the manufacturer. The extra contractual claim is not guided by any written implications in the contract. However, the same cover the moral obligations which are binding upon the manufacturer for covering up for the losses suffered by the customer in lieu of faulty products or services. The topic here validates the role of the project manager through a number of presentable facts and hypothesis. Disputes and arbitrations are common within the context of a contract and have been seen as an unavoidable hindrance in the aspect of the worldview. However as supported by Winch (2014), the choice of dispute resolution should take into account the characteristic of the transaction. Therefore, in order to evaluate the true and false hypothesis initially the nature and the cause of the dispute need to be understood. However as argued by Martinsuo and Killen (2014), arising of conflicts are inevitable within the context of an organizational setup and could be managed by communications alone. Therefore, such contradictory assessment help the researches in structuring their thoughts around commercial project negotiation and the research has been suitably and substantially validated. References Martinsuo, M. and Killen, C.P., (2014). Value management in project portfolios: Identifying and assessing strategic value.Project Management Journal,45(5), pp.56-70. Takey, S.M. and de Carvalho, M.M., (2015). Competency mapping in project management: An action research study in an engineering company.International Journal of Project Management,33(4), pp.784-796. Walker, A., (2015).Project management in construction. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Winch, G.M., (2014). Three domains of project organising.International Journal of Project Management,32(5), pp.721-731

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